Thursday, November 19, 2009

Are there any legit data entry jobs online?

Are there any legit data entry jobs online? Looking to make extra money and not have to pay a membership fee.

Are there any legit data entry jobs online?
You will see many adverts for online data entry jobs but the ones that aren't scams actually require work on your part - and if you're in need of money soon then you're likely to be sorely disappointed in any of those as well. Most of the legit opportunities out there take time to build - so if someone makes an outrageous claim of income it probably isn't true ( and those that are true sure didn't make that kind of money when they first began ).

Time %26amp; effort required - but do your own research on what is best for you, don't take the advice of myself and others as gospel from this type of public forum.

I have other ideas that may help - one of them is an online opportunity but another is one that will require a little effort to market yourself - try some data entry for local businesses, many of them don't have the time to do it in-house and will gladly pay someone else to do it. Professionals are a good place to start, lawyers, doctors, chiropractors, etc - they need their "in-house" folks doing other things rather than busy work.

Hope it helps!
Reply:Prudent people, under-18 or not, all over the world, avoid tempting and irresistible money making offers on Yahoo and elsewhere on the Internet. More than 99.9% of such offers are nothing more fraudulent crimes and scams against consumers who are often unpaid; pay extortionate bank charges for bounced cheques/checks; earn/endure criminal convictions/record, and earn custodial sentences. It is just a little legal disclaimer from tyneham to help protect online consumers all over the world. This tyneham alert is in compliance with Yahoo community guidelines and terms of service. It may be tested by vested financial interests in UK courts with full publishing and broadcasting news reports. This ethical honest tyneham alert may not be the best answer for planted questions, but in fact it has been voted/chosen as the “best answer” by prudent and law-abiding askers, voters. For further information see tyneham profile on Yahoo Answers, or search google for “tyneham yahoo answers”.
Reply:Here are a few:

Affiliated Computer Services

Site: Affiliated Computer Services


About: A Fortune 500 Company. Affiliated Computer Services is a premier provider of diversified business process outsourcing (BPO) and information technology (IT) services and solutions to commercial and government clients worldwide.

Requirements: Go to the "Careers" tab on the menu and search jobs. Some of the jobs will be listed as "Virtual". They have virtual data entry positions from time to time.

Amazon Mechanical Turk

Site: Amazon Mechanical Turk


About: Gives businesses and developers access to an on-demand, scalable workforce. Workers select from thousands of tasks whenever it's convenient.

Note: Often tasks pay very little.

Requirements: varies by assignment.


Site: DataEntryServices


About: A full service data conversion facility.

Requirements: Follow instructions here.

Assistant Match

Site: Assistant Match

About: Recommended on the Today Show by Jean Chatzky

Requirements: See site.

Axion Data Services

Site: Axion Data Services


Important from the site: Do not call or write. The only way you should contact this company is by checking the requirements at the link below and if you meet them register at the site using the link at the bottom of the page:

Click here for employment info

There's many more
Reply:I am also asked this question for a long number of weeks. Lastly I found a great data entry job in the internet. My name is Subash.G.K from Kerala, India a Final year Degree(BCA) Student . I am doing this job for nearly 13 months (It's over 1 year) and i earned a big amount of Rs. 78000/- so far.

A big dream of mine in my college life is to go for the excursion from the college with friends , near and dear friends. When I joined the college there is no way(money!!!!!!) for my needs. At lastly I found great data entry job with out any investment. I can Boldly say that the investment for the job is Rs.0000000000/-.

For more details click the link below

There is no need of extra qualification for this job.

The qualification for this job is....

* Basic knowledge of internet.

* Internet connection.(not compulsary, even you can work from cyber cafe)
Reply:If you really want to work from home and make a sufficient amount of income, I suggest you do some online jobs like

data entry,medical transcription, online tutors, online marketing, pay per click, pay per search.....

Many companies ask upfront fees to give this jobs, Some companies by taking upfront fees they will scam you.

Anyway no need to pay any upfront fees to get this jobs. For getting legit work from home jobs just visit

for data entry jobs
Reply:I've been successful with Data Entry Made Easy, however you have to pay a membership fee (one time up front). Any program that you find for free is usually not worth bothering with as you'll find that they're not up to date information, no customer support etc.
Reply:Hello chellie23

Guess what YOU just did ?

DATA entry !

THE answers also performed DATA Entry !

every time you type something online YOUR entering data , there fore there is NO data entry JOBS online they only exist in real world at the office !

SO now I'll tel YOU something that is like data entry that will make YOU a resdual life time income in your own business !

Basically thats waht YOU will be doing with this WEB 2.0 internet upgrade Company !

YOUR going to be able to vist every website , forum, social network on the world wide web and interact with them all !

YOUR going to be able to do this on **JULY 1st*** anyway however will not make a life changing income from it !

Let me show YOU the testimonals from some of the 90,000 members !

I love it every time I look in my in box there is a new member in my downline,THANK YOU technology.

Shout by: Richard

User: Avon

I am truly excited about this New Web2.0. KEEP IT UP!!! Best Wishes -- Helen.

Shout by: Helen

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Bravo........I have never seen this kind of concept before. Keep up the good work. GOD bless

Shout by: Dheeraj

User: dheeraj



User: mek

Those who second guess this opportunity will miss out. And I'll take their share. lol

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User: wizdomheard

Am always amazed on how technology works. With this one ? can only say big WOW ! Just see WORLD.

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Just saw the demo site for Web 2.0 - OMG!! this is totally awesome and I am so honored to be involved

Shout by: sheila

I know it's confusing right now and i can't go on into all the details until you see me in my office

Wink *

Have a Great day !
Reply:I have never came across any of those advertised data entry job that was legit and I have been researching work at home jobs for several years. You will usually use your data entry skills in conjunction with the rest of the job. Such jobs are

1. At home customer care representative

2. Transcription

3. Writer, Proofreader %26amp; editor

4. Blogger

5. Telemarketing from home

6. Mystery Shopping

7. Virtual Assistant

8. Freelance Projects

Free listings of legit work at home jobs with legit companies is given on

Good luck in your search!
Reply:online job without registration fee is very hard to find. I have been working for one that not just need registration fee but also pays you through paypal. I have received payments several times too.

The job is just giving your openion about web sites given to you or visiting spounser site.

you may register for this job for free simply by going to

note: Payment is made to anywhere
Reply:In an age of downsizing, layoffs, and the need for extra income, the idea of working from home can be very attractive. There's no long commute, you can work the hours you want, and if you believe the spam e-mails that land in your inbox, you can make a very good income. It's true that there are many legitimate works from home opportunities. But there are also plenty of scams, up to 300 at any one time, according to the Office of Fair Trading. This will help you sort the wheat from the chaff.

Be especially careful of any companies - both on and off the internet - which requests your money up-front - be it for registration, stock, materials, etc.

'Envelope stuffing' can be a classic example - when you respond to a home working advert you'll be asked to send a registration fee to receive details about earning money at home by stuffing envelopes for mail order companies.
Reply:there are probably some data entry jobs out there but i think you have to usually pay a membership fee. there are other ways to make money from home. i created a website called and it tells of different programs of how to make money on online, on ebay, or even taking surveys. this is not a scam and the website is just very informative so i hope you will check it out.
Reply:Hello, there are so many blogs which teach you how to make money online

Here are some of them - Free advices about making money - Make 250$ monthly tutorial - Make money with RunDownBux and in other ways - Make 10$ a day tutorial + a guide how to earn with PTCBrigade
Reply:There are legit ones not sure if any of them are free or not but you can check out this site they reviewed the more popular programs. There is lots of information and a scam list to check programs you might be interested in. Good luck.
Reply:Hey this guy made US$23,000 in just 1 week easily just by doing it online!!! It looks like this is better than Ebay!

Holy...I cannot believe it

You can see his Paypal earnings of proof (owned by Ebay) on his website. Just unbelievable...

www.earn997persale. com
Reply:Most of the jobs online are scams and few are genuine so be careful before joining,

try this
Reply:Start online based job.

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